
double-track railway中文是什么意思

  • 双轨铁路



  • 例句与用法
  • Three dimensional stress analysis of double - tracks railway continuous rigid frame bridge with wide box girder
  • The analytic method and results in this paper has reference value to design and construction of box beams of double - track railways
  • In recent years , with the development of the basic establishment , especially means of transportation ( railway , highway , etc . ) , the engineering phenomena that new line ( such as double - track railway , high speed railway , expressway , etc . ) is built close to existing line ( such as railway , highway , etc . ) appears . the size is larger and lager , and the space between is closer and closer
  • With the rising demand of passenger transportation , there ' s urgent need for the railway industry to improve its capacity for passenger shipment . but the current economic situation of the country does n ' t allow complete construction of intercity excluded double - track railway for passenger train at many areas , and the planned intercity line ca n ' t only serve the need of passenger transportation either . therefore , the problem arises as to how to evaluate the capacity of passenger train dominated single - track railway when planning new railway line
  • This paper presents the design and construction techniques of new xiangqin gorge bridge on zhuzhou - liupanshui double - track railways , the defects occurring on the bridge after it has been put into service , and also discusses several important points that merit attention for the design and construction of similar bridges to be built in the future
  • 推荐英语阅读
double-track railway的中文翻译,double-track railway是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译double-track railway,double-track railway的中文意思,double-track railway的中文double-track railway in Chinesedouble-track railway的中文double-track railway怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
